- 29 Feb, 2016 7 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
...by moving reference to a package list that *deducts* packages from a feature (that should lend itself for reuse) to a particular distribution's configuration (that can have some specific polish). The problem was that basing junior on slinux feature while adding some KDE/Qt-based packages to it failed miserably in a hard-to-debug manner: adding every package that's been requested but not installed by hand suddenly made it build, see also http://altlinux.org/mkimage/debug [ru]
Michael Shigorin authored
Removing packages in a feature's pkglists that seemed to be reusable caused to have been a disastrous idea; fix that, and let the distro-specific bits care for particular removals (if these are still needed with m-p).
Michael Shigorin authored
Andrey Cherepanov authored
Based on ALT Linux School 7.0.5 Junior and Simply Linux target: - simplify rules - use list with educational software missing in Simply Linux - fix Simply Linux build on Sisyphus
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
This got dropped from sisyphus (and upstream) currently.
Michael Shigorin authored
docs are pulled in by branding-*-indexhtml which could be switched through BRANDING variable; hardwiring these asks for a file conflict.
- 28 Feb, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
...and Sun JDK to OpenJDK (thx cas@).
- 24 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This one is less documented than FG's default C172P, let's stick with that for "ALT-FGLive".
- 19 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This has been true for quite some time, and actually recommended by viy@: https://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel-distro/2016-February/001378.html
- 18 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
It's needed for SoL, see also http://altlinux.org/ipmitool
- 16 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
'twas missing in jeos-ovz for me.
- 15 Feb, 2016 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- regular-jeos-ovz
Michael Shigorin authored
A fellow got confused by the original header somehow, let's spell this a lil' bit differently.
- 10 Feb, 2016 11 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
mixin/desktop-installer became *quite* inobvious even for me over time, and it's not easy to grep up; let's introduce explicit targets where one is expected to expect those.
Michael Shigorin authored
Thanks cas@ and Ivan Khakhaev for feedback! My docs are clearly not the best in town, please help bring those into shape :-)
Michael Shigorin authored
(missing space)
Michael Shigorin authored
rootfs scripts should hit installer some day; the problem is with variables (dumping 'em wholesale looks dirty, and proxying those sort of defeats the approach) rather than with scripts. Until then, transform the data from the single variable into a file containing one facility per line for installer-1.8.31+ to consume.
Michael Shigorin authored
The issue at hand is that recent xorg has suddenly started to both depend on kernel modesetting *and* not fail through towards e.g. vesa driver which would save the day for minimal environments like installer; I definitely don't want to plug a pile of DRM modules into this image for just this reason.
Michael Shigorin authored
~/.gitconfig is only relevant when git-core is installed, no need to put it as a standalone item (turned up when discussing things with cas@ on the way from #OSEDUCONF).
Michael Shigorin authored
This is a set of control(8) non-defaults that's recommended for use with servers of significant security requirements.
Michael Shigorin authored
As noted in the comment, these include a few quite strong ones: - sshd(8) will only allow in "wheel" and "users" members by keys, no password access is allowed; - password change even by root is subject to quality checks; - su(8) is only useful to lower privileges and not gain those (so root access is available either through local console or via use of ssh keys). Don't use if frowned upon.
Michael Shigorin authored
We've been pruning quite a few packages from a recently installed altlinux-p7-server-ovz instance; looks like server-ovz's added functionality should go into plain server instead, and -ovz flavour should focus on bare metal HN. In particular, bash-completion-1.99-alt3 seems to misbehave with mount(8) at the very least -- better drop it for now.
Michael Shigorin authored
This is based on distro/regular-jeos but torn into two and somewhat updated for sisyphus-going-to-bring-p8: 1) libcap-ng is now required by util-linux; 2) bridge-utils might be needed for subsequent images.
Michael Shigorin authored
Those packages which are *required* should be available for standalone use; and those which are optional should go into extras. Adjust server feature accordingly.
- 08 Feb, 2016 5 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- %name(7) :)
Michael Shigorin authored
Bring the stage/step prefix into line for those greppin' through.
Michael Shigorin authored
%install wants a proper makefile target badly by now...
Michael Shigorin authored
This initial page might lack a lot, don't be shy to blame me! (thanks ldv@ for having skimmed it through though)
- 05 Feb, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
The issue with these "; @:" thinglets is that mkimage-profiles relies on target tracing (see commit 788cad88 some four years ago); and this tracing approach relies on non-empty recipes which do call shell (which gets (ab)used) unlike empty ones which oviously don't. So this _will_ be traced properly: a: b @echo "hello world" and this will too: a: b; @: but this will result in a broken graph with REPORT=1: a: b
Michael Shigorin authored
...just in case a minimalistic server system is needed on an actual bare metal host...
- 03 Feb, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
kf5-i18-ru, in this case (of course this should be handled by a proper l10n subsystem -- yet another use case for it, just not clear what exactly do we want).
Michael Shigorin authored
icon-theme-oxygen is required by kf5-oxygen <- kde5 <- kde5-big by now so it's not needed to specify it explicitly anymore; and zerg@ has just packaged some translations, let's jump in!
- 25 Jan, 2016 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- openssh 7.x (see also #31716)
Michael Shigorin authored
Apparently DH SHA1 key exchange algorithm is still in wide use at least within Cisco products (there's a real world case involving our user), and some still use DSA keys which might be longer than "allowed" yet not trusted anymore. See also: http://www.openssh.com/legacy.html http://bugzilla.altlinux.org/31716 http://altlinux.org/changes (Jan 2016; RU)
- 19 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
These got removed from sisyphus by cas@' task #156038 due to build failure.