- 03 May, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- starterkits-20160429
- 28 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
There were two problems: - the latest pgsql related groups made installation impossible (yes, that last minute change); - hardware testing shows that use/stage2/kms is now requisite as xorg-drv-fbdev might just refuse to work with what looks like a perfectly good framebuffer... Do away with them *quick*.
- 27 Apr, 2016 7 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Basically an updated p7.mk.
Michael Shigorin authored
PostgreSQL has been long neglected way too bad in mkimage-profiles and the actual builds, let's go and fix that!
Michael Shigorin authored
Pg 9.5 is the current stable version while 9.4-1C is the current version patched to run 1C Enterprise.
Michael Shigorin authored
This starts a sort of "server merger" by consuming both samba4 and hyperv subflavours into checkboxes. Rationale is pretty clear: environment -- including hypervisors -- is just an install/run-time variable, and the set of initial services is another one; no need to maintain a distinct image for each value when we've done enough of that to know we can merge.
Michael Shigorin authored
These are based on regular-server-hyperv (thanks Matt Lewandowsky yet again) turned into a mere checkbox.
Michael Shigorin authored
This is a clone of tagged/server+sambaDC pkglist with added metadata *and* an installer feature to make things happen at install time; not sure if regular-server-samba4 is going away any time soon though as it's useful standalone too.
Michael Shigorin authored
"Failsafe install" disabling APIC/LAPIC looks somewhat obsolete by now; the only reasonable part seems to be the attempt to force VESA videodriver for the installer (should be done within installer itself though).
- 26 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Turns out that commit fb4bd77f broke two of the regular builds by crippling their ability to reboot/poweroff via desktop menu: http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/2016-April/201319.html Note that kde4 one doesn't need CK indeed.
Michael Shigorin authored
zerg@ tells that Obsoletes: is flakey in fonts-ttf-droid so it's better to specify these three packages instead.
- 25 Apr, 2016 6 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- preparing for p8 starterkits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
This single-byte error has led to premature variable substitution thus non-existant "docs-" package being requested; ouch.
Michael Shigorin authored
live-privacy haven't graduated from beta status yet but it's useful anyways; a bit of housekeeping is due though.
Michael Shigorin authored
gst-plugins-* was an /extremely/ bad and ugly idea indeed; it pulled in every -devel it could.
- 21 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
This is to avoid "unzip.zip" situations with some NICs: those needing extended firmware package (which is hefty) can at least install it by hand off the ISO. *Maybe* a switch to use/firmware will appear reasonable some day for this image either, don't know yet; this adds firmware to installer itself (should only be needed if the storage device used for rootfs *needs* firmware found in that package as networking setup is omitted from JeOS installer).
Michael Shigorin authored
Rationale: it's the minimalistic image for those who know what they're doing, let's maximize their chances to get it installed and running by using a recent kernel.
- 20 Apr, 2016 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
My failure to recognize that it is a "generic" server that might need some generalization and not an already specialized one like OpenVZ HN installer had to be fixed up some day; today is fine. Basically, let's move package groups ("checkboxes") and alterator from server-ovz to server, and maybe beef it up a lil' bit more later; server-ovz is still far from jeos-ovz but the difference that looks unmergeable is strict sshd control setup that's going to bite those unsuspecting, so let's leave it for those of us who are more suspicious of stray ISOs. :)
Michael Shigorin authored
Services and tools are clearly different entities, and we need tools for a slimmer OpenVZ HN installer.
Michael Shigorin authored
...to *not* error out if there's no gfxboot at all.
- 18 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This pulls ConsoleKit in which isn't even operational by now... Reported-by:
Sergey V Turchin <zerg@altlinux.org>
- 15 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
A classic brown paper bag bug: this was typed in a hospital and that commit was a sick one indeed, the condition should have been the opposite. Reported-by:
Ildar Mulyukov <ildar@altlinux.org> Closes: #31982
- 14 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
"Forensic mode" submenu has fallen apart after the original commit as the tricky logic in mkimage::tools/mki-copy-efiboot failed to pick up the new variant; this should all be redone (solo@ has started doing something but it needs a time-consuming review). Fixes: 79d02088
- 11 Apr, 2016 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- pkg.in/profiles
Michael Shigorin authored
This has been requested by Andrey Mitrofanov: http://www.opennet.ru/openforum/vsluhforumID3/107265.html#162 Putting the image license text into its toplevel directory is *very* reasonable as it's much more accessible then.
- 08 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
use/docs/license will copy the texts contained in branding package ("notes" one) over to the image's rootdir so these can be read with ease; otherwise one has to look up the right package at best (or unpack squashfs, no user can be really expected to do that just to *read* a *license*). This was originally profiles/scripts.d/01-copy-license script from m-p-d; got cut down heavily.
- 04 Apr, 2016 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
This one is just like STAGE2_BOOTARGS but for rescue images (which don't do that one for quite a few reasons).
Michael Shigorin authored
See the previous commit for rationale.
Michael Shigorin authored
The problem at hand was that an installer component of a "DVD class" image does use/cleanup/installer while installable LiveCD component gets broken by that (livecd-install -> installer-scripts-remount-stage2 which gets removed as installer-*). Split those.
- 01 Apr, 2016 7 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
The same that was done by commit 50bfea9d. Note the duplication, maybe worth to split off...
Michael Shigorin authored
Mark the particular pkglists included into what's dumped; makes content analysis considerably more convenient.
Michael Shigorin authored
Failing to kaboom just in time can make (and has just made) it harder to figure out the culprit down the road; e.g. metadata target's tar(1) might fail to find *some* files that haven't been copied over due to a single one missing by that run.
Michael Shigorin authored
Package profiles -- the ones allowing for a multi-purpose installer -- have been basically overlooked during previous mkimage-profiles development, unfortunately. This is the very basic part: put them into pkg-groups.tar.
Michael Shigorin authored
These are alike to lists/groups ones.
Michael Shigorin authored
This is to support Centaurus-like images featuring more than a single installation profile (e.g., "workstation/server/minimal"). Quite a few more modifications are needed to do it right though as m-p has fallen prey to exactly the "single root composition" assumption with its current THE_* variables semantics and processing.
Michael Shigorin authored
THE_* variables serve user needs while shim belongs to either SYSTEM or COMMON level packages, not needed explicitly for stage1 though (mkimage will put it there when needed) so it's just COMMON.