• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    Makefile: presume a distro by default · 10b9e293
    Michael Shigorin authored
    When ve/ support was introduced, a simple "make icewm.iso"
    had to turn into the more elaborate "make distro/icewm.iso".
    This latter one involves several keystrokes more, which is
    not even (environ)mentally friendly.
    This was supposed to get fixed somewhere down the road with
    a fallback but the elegance of IMAGE_* setup waterfall barred
    me from tweaking IMAGE_TARGET at once (and the downstream fixup
    would imply re-tweaking the consequent variables as well which
    is blatantly anti-mkimage-profilic being a brute fork).
    OTOH testing for a "directory" part of the goal is going to
    either deadlock on IMAGE_CLASS or duplicate its assignment.
    So now when I've had enough typing an extra "distro/",
    I'm going to just bite the bullet and tweak IMAGE_TARGET
    with a test duplicating IMAGE_CLASS assignment indeed
    (testing for e.g. "/" results in a different test,
    which would be worse yet).
    Please suggest a more elegant solution if you invent one!
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