• Anton Midyukov's avatar
    1.4.28-alt1 · 6c31a91e
    Anton Midyukov authored
    - lib/profile.mk: install branding-$$(BRANDING)-release always after basesystem
    - stage2: use propagator for c% BRANCH also
    - install2, live: don't add priority base packages for these stage
    - regular-vm.mk: replace blueberry to blueman for desktop regulars
    - tar2fs: avoid losetup race (thanks mike@ and glebfm)
    - kernel: drop std-pae kernel flavour
    - stage2: add more modules to 50-stage2-net
    - output errors Step 3 to BUILDLOG and on screen
    - pkg.in/lists/Makefile: sort lists before copying
    - regular.mk: drop feature robotics
    - education: add latest commits from cas@
    - education: mark task-edu-* as metapackages
    - slinux, workstation: add latest commits from sem@
    - education, slinux, workstation: add fixes for e2k from mike@
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