• Michael Shigorin's avatar
    live, net: shift and rework network and resolver setup · 5d829265
    Michael Shigorin authored
    50-setup-network was a hasty hack (surprise!) that used to do
    what net and net-eth features have been created to do since;
    just drop the duplicated crufty code.
    Unconditional resolver setup isn't done now: those with static
    setup are better off doing it explicitly, and those with DHCP
    should be fine already.
    NB: /etc/hosts *is* fine within setup package *but* hasher will
        overwrite it with a copy of host's one; let's reset contents
        to initial at least until hasher gets fixed and the fix is
        rather deployed in the wild.
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Эта фича конфигурирует базовую поддержку сети, включая нужную подсистему
(etcnet, NetworkManager поверх etcnet или connman).