Commit d39c8164 authored by Bilal Elmoussaoui's avatar Bilal Elmoussaoui

paginator: implement the new design

parent 0c7cab24
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......@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ mod imp {
pub(super) next_overlay: gtk::Overlay,
pub(super) next_btn: gtk::Button,
pub(super) start_btn: gtk::Button,
pub(super) finish_btn: gtk::Button,
pub(super) close_btn: gtk::Button,
pub(super) previous_btn: gtk::Button,
......@@ -31,13 +29,11 @@ mod imp {
Self {
carousel: adw::Carousel::new(),
carousel_dots: adw::CarouselIndicatorDots::new(),
headerbar: gtk::HeaderBar::builder().show_title_buttons(false).build(),
start_btn: gtk::Button::with_label(&gettext("_Start")),
headerbar: gtk::HeaderBar::builder().show_title_buttons(true).build(),
start_btn: gtk::Button::from_icon_name(Some("right-large-symbolic")),
next_overlay: gtk::Overlay::new(),
next_btn: gtk::Button::with_label(&gettext("_Next")),
finish_btn: gtk::Button::with_label(&gettext("_Close")),
close_btn: gtk::Button::with_label(&gettext("_Close")),
previous_btn: gtk::Button::with_label(&gettext("_Previous")),
next_btn: gtk::Button::from_icon_name(Some("right-large-symbolic")),
previous_btn: gtk::Button::from_icon_name(Some("left-large-symbolic")),
pages: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
current_page: Cell::new(0),
......@@ -59,6 +55,7 @@ mod imp {
......@@ -71,47 +68,56 @@ mod imp {
let previous_overlay = gtk::Overlay::new();
let start_overlay = gtk::Overlay::new();
let btn_size_group = gtk::SizeGroup::new(gtk::SizeGroupMode::Horizontal);
let container = gtk::Box::builder()
......@@ -169,20 +175,21 @@ impl PaginatorWidget {
let forelast_page = n_pages - 2.0;
let last_page = n_pages - 1.0;
let (opacity_finish, opacity_previous, opacity_start, opacity_next, opacity_close) =
if (0.0..1.0).contains(&position) {
if position == 0.0 {
(0.0, position, 1.0, position, 1.0)
} else {
(0.0, position, 1.0, position, 1f64 - position)
} else if (0.0 <= position) && (position <= forelast_page) {
(0.0, 1.0, 1f64 - position, 1.0, 0.0)
} else if (forelast_page < position) && (position <= last_page) {
(position - forelast_page, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
let (opacity_previous, opacity_start, opacity_next) = if (0.0..1.0).contains(&position) {
if position == 0.0 {
(position, 1.0, position)
} else {
panic!("Position of the carousel is outside the allowed range");
(position, 1.0, position)
} else if (0.0 <= position) && (position <= forelast_page) {
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
} else if forelast_page >= position {
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
} else if position > forelast_page {
(1.0, 0.0, last_page - position)
} else {
panic!("Position of the carousel is outside the allowed range");
imp.start_btn.set_visible(opacity_start > 0_f64);
......@@ -191,15 +198,9 @@ impl PaginatorWidget {
imp.next_btn.set_visible(opacity_next > 0_f64);
imp.next_overlay.set_can_target(opacity_next > 0_f64);
imp.finish_btn.set_visible(opacity_finish > 0_f64);
imp.previous_btn.set_visible(opacity_previous > 0_f64);
imp.start_btn.set_visible(opacity_close > 0_f64);
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