- 18 Oct, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 299753: Replace old code in editproducts.cgi by routines from Product.pm - Patch by André Batosti <batosti@async.com.br> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 14 Oct, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 306601: Bugzilla::Classification needs a products() method - Patch by André Batosti <batosti@async.com.br> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 28 Sep, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 307604: "Redisplay table with bug counts" should also be available from editmilestones.cgi and editversions.cgi - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=GavinS a=justdave
- 07 Sep, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 301743: Replace old code from editcomponents.cgi by methods and routines from Component.pm and Product.pm - Patch by Tiago R. Mello <timello@gmail.com> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 03 Sep, 2005 2 commits
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 303700: Eliminate deprecated Bugzilla::DB routines from votes.cgi - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=joel a=justdave
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 286158: Remove GetSelectableProducts() from globals.pl and use Bugzilla::User::get_selectable_products() instead - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=joel,kiko a=justdave
- 01 Sep, 2005 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
- 31 Aug, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 121112: long_list.cgi generates bad links - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r/a=myk
- 30 Aug, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 275608: The group selection when editing flag types should be a listbox with (no group) meaning no restriction - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=GavinS a=myk
- 29 Aug, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 302955: Remove the "delete" link for the default milestone - Patch by Gavin Shelley <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 05 Aug, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 302723: Deleting a user account when this user is the assignee or QA contact of a bug should reassign this bug to the default ones - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=wurblzap a=justdave
- 30 Jul, 2005 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fixing build bustage caused by not correctly updating filter exceptions (and in a couple cases not filtering when it would make sense)
- 20 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 257767: Option to have fields in CSV files separated by semicolons instead of commas - Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=LpSolit a=myk
- 11 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 63536: User preference for whether or not to go to the next bug after processing - Patch by byron jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 08 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 289580: Templatize the 'confirm delete' bit of editproducts.cgi - Patch by Tiago R. Mello <timello@async.com.br> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 07 May, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 290972: In the "Find a Specific Bug" page, the status of the bug being searched cannot be translated - Patch by Emmanuel Seyman <eseyman@linagora.com> r=myk a=myk
- 10 Apr, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 225818: %FORM, %MFORM, and %COOKIE need to go away, in favor of the CGI methods - Patch by Teemu Mannermaa <wicked@etlicon.fi> r=LpSolit a=myk
- 06 Apr, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 86328: Deleting bugs doesn't delete dependent records properly - Patch by Frederic Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=wurblzap a=justdave
- 30 Mar, 2005 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 73665 - migrate email preferences to their own table, and rearchitect email internals. Patch by gerv; r=jake, a=justdave.
- 17 Mar, 2005 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Bug 278823: Make the "Back to bug ####" text read "Go to bug ####" if you didn't just come from said bug. Patch by Olav Vitters <bugzilla-mozilla@bkor.dhs.org> r=LpSolit, a=justdave
- 10 Mar, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Shane H. W. Travis <travis@sedsystems.ca> r=jouni, mkanat a=myk
- 01 Mar, 2005 2 commits
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=GavinS, mkanat a=justdave
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Christian Reis <kiko@async.com.br> r=jpeshkin a=justdave
- 17 Feb, 2005 1 commit
mkanat%kerio.com authored
Patch By Gavin Shelly <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org> r=wurblzap, a=myk
- 03 Feb, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> r=LpSolit, justdave a=justdave
- 01 Feb, 2005 2 commits
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Shane H. W. Travis <travis@sedsystems.ca> r=jouni a=justdave
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=LpSolit, vladd a=justdave
- 25 Jan, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Rob Siklos <robzilla@siklos.ca> r=wurblzap, glob a=myk
- 16 Jan, 2005 2 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 190226: templatize editversions.cgi; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>, r=jouni, a=myk.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 103636: Support specifying a date on which a bug is expected to be resolved; patch by Alexandre Michetti Manduca <michetti@grad.icmc.usp.br>, r=jouni, a=myk.
- 02 Jan, 2005 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
- 07 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 270589: Make t/008filter.t accept empty template directives; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=justdave, r=myk, a=justdave.
- 07 Oct, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 256567: Harmonize descriptions of classifications and products in terms of 'FILTER html'; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>; r=justdave, kiko, a=justdave.
- 15 Sep, 2004 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
- 11 Sep, 2004 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org> r=jouni, a=justdave
- 10 Sep, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
viewer UI while we're at it). Do just that. r=myk, a=myk.
- 21 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by Albert Ting r=joel, glob a=myk
- 05 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by: Erik r=joel r=jouni a=justdave
- 31 Jul, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 190220: templatize editcomponents.cgi; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>; r=jouni, a=justdave.
- 16 Jul, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
which includes fixing style_url as well and removing it from filterexceptions. r,a=justdave