Commit 886ed1b2 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

mapper: fall back to XDG music directory

If no music_directory is configured, fall back to the XDG music directory, determined by g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_MUSIC).
parent 46aedbae
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ver 0.15 - (200?/??/??)
* the option "error_file" was removed, all messages are logged into
* support logging to syslog
* fall back to XDG music directory if no music_directory is configured
ver 0.14 (2008/12/25)
* audio outputs:
......@@ -43,11 +43,21 @@ static size_t playlist_dir_length;
void mapper_init(void)
ConfigParam *music_dir_param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_MUSIC_DIR, 1);
ConfigParam *music_dir_param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_MUSIC_DIR, false);
ConfigParam *playlist_dir_param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_PLAYLIST_DIR, 1);
int ret;
struct stat st;
if (music_dir_param != NULL) {
music_dir = g_strdup(music_dir_param->value);
} else {
music_dir = g_strdup(g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_MUSIC));
if (music_dir == NULL)
/* GLib failed to determine the XDG music
directory - abort */
g_error("config parameter \"%s\" not found\n", CONF_MUSIC_DIR);
music_dir = g_strdup(music_dir_param->value);
music_dir_length = strlen(music_dir);
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