1. 14 Jan, 2013 3 commits
  2. 13 Jan, 2013 3 commits
    • Denis Krjuchkov's avatar
      ClientList.cxx: copy client list before iterating · f53dadcc
      Denis Krjuchkov authored
      It seems that it is not safe to remove the item from std::list
      while it's being iterated somewhere else.
      This is a very simple quick fix to make things work
      until some better solution is implemented.
    • Denis Krjuchkov's avatar
      WakeFD.cxx: use two sockets instead of pipe on Win32 · 90ab65f8
      Denis Krjuchkov authored
      Pipes aren't really pollable on Windows.
      GLib emulates polling on pipes using separate reader/writer threads.
      This adds significant overhead and keeps a strong dependency on GLib.
      socketpair() function is absent on Windows as well.
      We implement it here in a loose way.
    • Denis Krjuchkov's avatar
      Win32Main.cxx: more clean shutdown · abb0fcb2
      Denis Krjuchkov authored
      This change fixes two issues:
      1) console_handler is called from a separate thread.
         Thread-safe primitive is required for correct operation.
      2) If console_handler returns TRUE our process is immediately terminated.
         We use Sleep() to give main thread an opportunity to shutdown correctly.
  3. 11 Jan, 2013 6 commits
  4. 10 Jan, 2013 28 commits