Commit b3ff0c37 authored by H. Verbeet's avatar H. Verbeet Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wined3d: Rewrite shader_glsl_map2gl() to properly take the write mask into account.

parent 7252b4d3
......@@ -1020,54 +1020,49 @@ void shader_glsl_cross(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG *arg) {
/* Map the opcode 1-to-1 to the GL code (arg->dst = instruction(src0, src1, ...) */
void shader_glsl_map2gl(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG* arg) {
CONST SHADER_OPCODE* curOpcode = arg->opcode;
SHADER_BUFFER* buffer = arg->buffer;
char tmpLine[256];
char dst_str[100], src_str[100];
char dst_reg[50], src_reg[50];
char dst_mask[6], src_mask[6];
const char *instruction;
char arguments[256];
char src_str[100];
char src_reg[50];
char src_mask[6];
DWORD write_mask;
unsigned i;
shader_glsl_add_dst_param(arg, arg->dst, 0, dst_reg, dst_mask, dst_str);
shader_glsl_add_dst_old(arg->dst, dst_reg, dst_mask, tmpLine);
/* Determine the GLSL function to use based on the opcode */
/* TODO: Possibly make this a table for faster lookups */
switch (curOpcode->opcode) {
case WINED3DSIO_MIN: strcat(tmpLine, "min"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_MAX: strcat(tmpLine, "max"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_RSQ: strcat(tmpLine, "inversesqrt"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_ABS: strcat(tmpLine, "abs"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_FRC: strcat(tmpLine, "fract"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_POW: strcat(tmpLine, "pow"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_NRM: strcat(tmpLine, "normalize"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_LOG: strcat(tmpLine, "log2"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_EXP: strcat(tmpLine, "exp2"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_SGN: strcat(tmpLine, "sign"); break;
case WINED3DSIO_MIN: instruction = "min"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_MAX: instruction = "max"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_RSQ: instruction = "inversesqrt"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_ABS: instruction = "abs"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_FRC: instruction = "fract"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_POW: instruction = "pow"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_NRM: instruction = "normalize"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_LOG: instruction = "log2"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_EXP: instruction = "exp2"; break;
case WINED3DSIO_SGN: instruction = "sign"; break;
default: instruction = "";
FIXME("Opcode %s not yet handled in GLSL\n", curOpcode->name);
strcat(tmpLine, "(");
write_mask = shader_glsl_append_dst(buffer, arg);
arguments[0] = '\0';
if (curOpcode->num_params > 0) {
strcat(tmpLine, "vec4(");
shader_glsl_add_src_param_old(arg, arg->src[0], arg->src_addr[0], src_reg, src_mask, src_str);
strcat(tmpLine, src_str);
strcat(tmpLine, ")");
shader_glsl_add_src_param(arg, arg->src[0], arg->src_addr[0], write_mask, src_reg, src_mask, src_str);
strcat(arguments, src_str);
for (i = 2; i < curOpcode->num_params; ++i) {
strcat(tmpLine, ", vec4(");
shader_glsl_add_src_param_old(arg, arg->src[i-1], arg->src_addr[i-1], src_reg, src_mask, src_str);
strcat(tmpLine, src_str);
strcat(tmpLine, ")");
strcat(arguments, ", ");
shader_glsl_add_src_param(arg, arg->src[i-1], arg->src_addr[i-1], write_mask, src_reg, src_mask, src_str);
strcat(arguments, src_str);
shader_addline(buffer, "%s))%s;\n", tmpLine, dst_mask);
shader_addline(buffer, "%s(%s));\n", instruction, arguments);
/** Process the WINED3DSIO_EXPP instruction in GLSL:
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