Commit f2e3de00 authored by Ivo Ivanov's avatar Ivo Ivanov Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dinput: Remove some extremely verbose traces, and fix typos.

parent 99fc12f9
......@@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI dinput_device_SendForceFeedbackCommand( IDirectInputDevice
struct dinput_device *impl = impl_from_IDirectInputDevice8W( iface );
TRACE( "iface %p, flags %x.\n", iface, command );
TRACE( "iface %p, command %#x.\n", iface, command );
switch (command)
......@@ -52,25 +52,6 @@ DEFINE_GUID( GUID_DEVINTERFACE_WINEXINPUT,0x6c53d5fd,0x6480,0x440f,0xb6,0x18,0x4
DEFINE_GUID( hid_joystick_guid, 0x9e573edb, 0x7734, 0x11d2, 0x8d, 0x4a, 0x23, 0x90, 0x3f, 0xb6, 0xbd, 0xf7 );
DEFINE_DEVPROPKEY( DEVPROPKEY_HID_HANDLE, 0xbc62e415, 0xf4fe, 0x405c, 0x8e, 0xda, 0x63, 0x6f, 0xb5, 0x9f, 0x08, 0x98, 2 );
static inline const char *debugstr_hid_value_caps( struct hid_value_caps *caps )
if (!caps) return "(null)";
return wine_dbg_sprintf( "RId %d, Usg %02x:%02x-%02x Dat %02x-%02x, Str %d-%d, Des %d-%d, "
"Bits %02x Flags %#x, LCol %d LUsg %02x:%02x, BitSz %d, RCnt %d, Unit %x E%+d, Log %+d-%+d, Phy %+d-%+d",
caps->report_id, caps->usage_page, caps->usage_min, caps->usage_max, caps->data_index_min, caps->data_index_max,
caps->string_min, caps->string_max, caps->designator_min, caps->designator_max, caps->bit_field, caps->flags,
caps->link_collection, caps->link_usage_page, caps->link_usage, caps->bit_size, caps->report_count,
caps->units, caps->units_exp, caps->logical_min, caps->logical_max, caps->physical_min, caps->physical_max );
static inline const char *debugstr_hid_collection_node( struct hid_collection_node *node )
if (!node) return "(null)";
return wine_dbg_sprintf( "Usg %02x:%02x, Parent %u, Next %u, NbChild %u, Child %u, Type %02x",
node->usage_page, node->usage, node->parent, node->next_sibling,
node->number_of_children, node->first_child, node->collection_type );
struct extra_caps
LONG bit_size;
......@@ -418,15 +399,11 @@ static BOOL enum_objects( struct hid_joystick *impl, const DIPROPHEADER *filter,
if (caps->usage_page == HID_USAGE_PAGE_PID)
TRACE( "Ignoring input caps %s, PID specific.\n", debugstr_hid_value_caps( caps ) );
value_ofs += (caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1) * sizeof(LONG);
object += caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1;
else if (caps->usage_page >= HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR_DEFINED_BEGIN)
TRACE( "Ignoring input value %s, vendor specific.\n", debugstr_hid_value_caps( caps ) );
value_ofs += (caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1) * sizeof(LONG);
else for (j = caps->usage_min; j <= caps->usage_max; ++j)
instance.dwOfs = value_ofs;
......@@ -498,15 +475,11 @@ static BOOL enum_objects( struct hid_joystick *impl, const DIPROPHEADER *filter,
if (caps->usage_page == HID_USAGE_PAGE_PID)
TRACE( "Ignoring input caps %s, PID specific.\n", debugstr_hid_value_caps( caps ) );
button_ofs += caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1;
object += caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1;
else if (caps->usage_page >= HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR_DEFINED_BEGIN)
TRACE( "Ignoring input button %s, vendor specific.\n", debugstr_hid_value_caps( caps ) );
button_ofs += caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1;
else for (j = caps->usage_min; j <= caps->usage_max; ++j)
instance.dwOfs = button_ofs;
......@@ -538,7 +511,6 @@ static BOOL enum_objects( struct hid_joystick *impl, const DIPROPHEADER *filter,
if (caps->usage_page >= HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR_DEFINED_BEGIN)
TRACE( "Ignoring output caps %s, vendor specific.\n", debugstr_hid_value_caps( caps ) );
if (caps->flags & HID_VALUE_CAPS_IS_BUTTON) button_ofs += caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1;
else value_ofs += (caps->usage_max - caps->usage_min + 1) * sizeof(LONG);
......@@ -593,9 +565,7 @@ static BOOL enum_objects( struct hid_joystick *impl, const DIPROPHEADER *filter,
node != node_end; ++node)
if (!node->usage_page) continue;
if (node->usage_page >= HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR_DEFINED_BEGIN)
TRACE( "Ignoring collection %s, vendor specific.\n", debugstr_hid_collection_node( node ) );
instance.dwOfs = 0;
......@@ -877,7 +847,7 @@ static HRESULT hid_joystick_get_effect_info( IDirectInputDevice8W *iface, DIEFFE
usage, &button, &count, preparsed );
if (status != HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
WARN( "HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps %#x returned %#x\n", usage, status );
WARN( "HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps %#x returned %#x\n", usage, status );
else if (!count)
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