1. 04 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  2. 03 Feb, 2014 12 commits
  3. 28 Jan, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      syslinux: fixed live_rw configuration · a0d0be1a
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The initial revision was brilliantly buggy: it is *so* apparent
      that cdrom will never be actually used for rw slice that this
      has evaded my attention rather completely.
  4. 27 Jan, 2014 3 commits
  5. 21 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  6. 20 Jan, 2014 6 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      gear-store-tags · 18fc7960
      Michael Shigorin authored
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      1.1.21-alt1 · c5d54351
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - rescue tweaks
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      server: add osec support · 26cef0ad
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Let's put osec tools into installable packages at least
      (aiming to shift these into default install probably);
      these are worthwile addition to sysadmin's toolbox.
      Thanks dobr@ for bringing this up.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      rescue+extra: add a few more fuses · 3879fb00
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It turns out that regular-rescue.iso lacks sshfs,
      which is unfortunate (even if it could be installed
      with apt in this particular case); three more FUSE
      based filesystems have been added just in case.
      Thanks mithraen@ for suggesting davfs2.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      regular.mk: employ test/rescue/no-x11 · 954d89cf
      Michael Shigorin authored
      I'm fed up with graphical software occasionally making it
      into regular-rescue.iso and bloating it for no good reason
      given that window managers or xinitrc aren't included.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      rescue: experimental test to check for libX11 · 711ae1ee
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This has been spotted and solved manually several times already,
      and that's just boring so let's add the ability to state that
      X11-based software is not accepted into a particular rescue image.
      Not that I would hate X but things like that belong to a carefully
      crafted image which includes either X server or reasonable means
      to ensure that GUI software can actually be used.
      NB: this is a somewhat new entity: test/rescue/no-x11 knob
      for an image-script intended to make it blow up the build
      when libX11 is found within the chroot that makes up
      the rescue image's filesystem.
      The interface is not documented intentionally: it will take
      some time to find out whether it sticks or is bad enough.
      Please do remind/ask if interested in using that.
  7. 16 Jan, 2014 3 commits
  8. 13 Jan, 2014 4 commits
  9. 11 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  10. 30 Dec, 2013 4 commits
  11. 27 Dec, 2013 1 commit
  12. 25 Dec, 2013 3 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      regular.mk: added rescue image to regular-server · 2d4061fc
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This is pretty valuable addition and doesn't take that much space
      (roughly +100M).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      branding, plymouth: rescue is stage2 too · 6d95f8c3
      Michael Shigorin authored
      I don't think we're gonna like plymouth over rescue image
      anytime soon, especially when it hides the moment when shell
      pops up somewhere under it without startup-rescue caring to
      remove the splash.
      So let's put that $(INSTALL2_BRANDING) into proper stage2
      flavours only and avoid choking on missing plymouth as well.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      install2, sound, vmguest: support led-ws modules · f044f587
      Michael Shigorin authored
      led@ has different kernel-modules-* package set,
      some of those "standard" names are provided but
      vbox* is not the case.
      As our macros and helpers will grok this just fine,
      let's add both variants so what's present gets in.