- 21 Nov, 2001 1 commit
barnboy%trilobyte.net authored
Note this is a work-in-progress. It compiles cleanly, but I am not yet submitting compiled HTML and text. There is one notable problem: nsgmls barfs on the <imagedata> tag in database.sgml during validation. openjade handles it fine. Weird.
- 20 Nov, 2001 2 commits
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fix for bug 109240: fixes the regression that changed the way comments regarding attachment creation are formatted. Patch by Jake <jake@acutex.net>. r=myk@mozilla.org, no second review needed.
zach%zachlipton.com authored
Patch removes a <meta> tag as per bug 38856. Patch by David D. Kilzer <mailto:ddkilzer@theracingworld.com>. r1=Christopher Aillon <mailto:caillon@returnzero.com>. No 2nd review required as per caillon.
- 19 Nov, 2001 2 commits
gerv%gerv.net authored
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 98707. Query.cgi rewrite, reformatting and templatisation. Patch by me, layout by mpt and others, r=justdave,matty. Wahey!
- 18 Nov, 2001 10 commits
matty%chariot.net.au authored
Moving a comment to the right place, in order to be able to make a comment about my previous check in that accidentally got checked in without a comment, and hence didn't show up on Tinderbox I think. It was a change to CGI.pl, a fix for bug 105812: Rename "Components" link in sub GetCommandMenu() to "Products". The patch was by James A Laska <jlaska@us.ibm.com>.
matty%chariot.net.au authored
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 100788: enter_bug.cgi wasn't correctly interpretting whether or not a partial URL needed an http:// added to the front of it, which had the side-effect of duplicating the http:// on the front when a URL was passed from Bugzilla Helper. Patch by Josh Soref <timeless@mac.com> r= justdave, caillon
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 109354: After entering a new bug, the link offering to add an attachment to the bug you just created pointed at the old attachment form instead of the new one. Patch by Josh Soref <timeless@mac.com> r= myk x2
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 107120: templates/default/global/header was generating HTML that wouldn't validate as HTML 4.01 Transitional Patch by Dave Miller <justdave@syndicomm.com> r= jake, bbaetz
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 92500: line-feeds were not being properly converted when submitting parameter changes with some Mac browsers. Patch by Gervase Markham <gerv@mozilla.org> r= ddk, justdave
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 102487: If admin has set preferences to require a comment on a product/component change, prompt the user that they forgot to comment first, before prompting for component, milestone, and version for new product. Patch by Garvase Markham <gerv@mozilla.org> r= kiko, ddk
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Patch by Andreas Franke <afranke@ags.uni-sb.de> r= gerv, kiko
zach%zachlipton.com authored
No review needed for tests at this time.
- 17 Nov, 2001 3 commits
matty%chariot.net.au authored
Bug 104677 : Votes field (text style) on showvotes.cgi defaults to size 5, not natural size and doesn't include a maxlength attribute. Patch by Christoper Aillon <caillon@returnzero.com>.
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
Quote manually rather than using qw to get arround this
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
taint mode. The perforce integration stuff needs this. r=gerv,mattyt
- 16 Nov, 2001 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
- 14 Nov, 2001 3 commits
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
mysql versions don't support. Remove the checksetup.pl restriction, too. r=jake x2
jake%acutex.net authored
We don't really need to look for fragments that are pulled in by [% INCLUDE %] or [% PROCESS %]. While removing this code bit doesn't allow us to seperatly check that those fragments exist and compile, they'll be checked atomatically when the the template that wants them is run through the process() routine by the 004template.t test. This issue was raised because bug 98707 introduced a [% BLOCK %] element and the syntax for using that is the same as for including a template fragment.
gerv%gerv.net authored
Fix license headers and make attachment changed page look like bug changed page. Bug 99518 and 98110. r-myk, no second review.
- 12 Nov, 2001 3 commits
jake%acutex.net authored
Fix for bug 86300 - If a bug didn't exist and GetBugLink() tried to create a tooltip for it, you'd get uninitialized variables warnings in your error log. This path also introduces a cache so if the same bug # is mentioned more than once during the same running of the script, it only has to query the database once. r= mattyt, gerv
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
- 09 Nov, 2001 2 commits
timeless%mac.com authored
myk%mozilla.org authored
Patch by Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>. r=bbaetz,gerv
- 08 Nov, 2001 7 commits
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
Fix for bug 99519: timestamps were not being set correctly in the activity table in some situations, and the delta_ts on the bug itself was not always being updated if dependencies or CCs changed. Patch by Dave Miller <justdave@syndicomm.com> r= bbaetz, jake
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fix for bug 104652: Duplicate bugs in the dependency tree now get marked with the message "This bug appears elsewhere in this tree." so users know why the bug does not appear to have dependencies. Patch by Gerv <gerv@mozilla.org>. r=jake@acutex.net,myk@mozilla.org
myk%mozilla.org authored
Patch by Jake <jake@acutex.net>. r=bbaetz,myk
myk%mozilla.org authored
Patch by Jake <jake@acutex.net> and Bradley <bbaetz@cs.mcgill.ca>. r=jake,myk for Bradley's portion, r=bbaetz,myk for Jake's portion.
myk%mozilla.org authored
Patch by Jake <jake@acutex.net> r=bbaetz,myk
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
fix to bug 107718. This should be removed when the group stuff lands (bug 60822). r=justdave x 2
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
the group r=justdave,jake
- 07 Nov, 2001 2 commits
jake%acutex.net authored
Patch by Christopher Aillon <caillon@returnzero.com> r= timeless@bemail.org, kiko@async.com.br
jake%acutex.net authored
Refixing bug 71840 - The name should be the 'name' should be the same as what the 'href' points it too... r= justdave@syndicomm.com
- 06 Nov, 2001 2 commits
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
SECURITY FIX see bug 108385: Due to trusting of passed form fields that shouldn't have been trusted, it was possible to add a comment to a bug pretending to be someone else if you edited the HTML by hand before submitting. The bug form did not include the field in question, but due to legacy processing code, the field was still trusted if it was present. Patch by Dave Miller <justdave@syndicomm.com> r= jake x2
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
SECURITY FIX see bug 108516: Due to trusting of passed form fields that shouldn't have been trusted, it was possible to file a bug pretending to be someone else if you edited the HTML by hand before submitting. Patch by Dave Miller <justdave@syndicomm.com> r= bbaetz, jake
- 05 Nov, 2001 1 commit
timeless%mac.com authored
r=bbaetz, jake Windows XP references are #'d because of bug 92763
- 03 Nov, 2001 1 commit
bbaetz%cs.mcgill.ca authored
bug in the list. Do bit fiddling instead of adding groupsets from the first bug. r=justdave, jake