1. 23 Mar, 2009 1 commit
  2. 07 Jan, 2009 1 commit
  3. 08 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  4. 06 Jun, 2008 1 commit
  5. 02 Jun, 2008 1 commit
  6. 31 Mar, 2008 1 commit
  7. 12 Mar, 2008 1 commit
  8. 07 Feb, 2007 1 commit
  9. 28 Nov, 2006 1 commit
  10. 03 Oct, 2006 2 commits
  11. 02 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  12. 23 May, 2006 1 commit
  13. 26 Sep, 2005 1 commit
    • Krzysztof Foltman's avatar
      - Copy key name works. · 83edf205
      Krzysztof Foltman authored
      - Favorites (adding, removing, going to) work.
      - Added context sensitive graying to some menu options.
      - Cleanup of status bar update.
  14. 29 Mar, 2005 1 commit
  15. 01 Mar, 2005 1 commit
  16. 10 Feb, 2005 1 commit
  17. 29 Nov, 2004 1 commit
  18. 26 Aug, 2004 1 commit
  19. 24 Aug, 2004 1 commit
  20. 19 Jul, 2004 1 commit
  21. 04 May, 2004 1 commit
    • Krzysztof Foltman's avatar
      - F2 is now an accelerator for rename · b2d8cd3f
      Krzysztof Foltman authored
      - panel switching via TAB doesn't use IsDialogMessage anymore
      - focus is correctly set after main window activation (Alt+TAB etc),
        removed some focus-related bugs
      - pressing ENTER or double-clicking a value edits it
      - setting a value to an empty string is now allowed
      - adding a new value starts rename automatically
      - renaming a value doesn't move the cursor
      - removed some unnecessary code (NM_RCLICK in ListView etc)
      - right-click on tree view displays "New..." menu
      - default values are treated like in Windows RegEdit (displayed even
        when they aren't physically present, can't be renamed or deleted)
      - Polish translation had some weird characters added before Polish
  22. 18 Jan, 2004 1 commit
  23. 18 Aug, 2003 1 commit